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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will I have contact with a real human to provide accountability?

    Yes! This is a self-paced course, but provides you with direct contact to our physician and nutritionist. You can ask questions, schedule virtual consults, text-chat, and receive accountability support. You will have a team of cheerleaders rooting for your success along this journey!

  • Why would I choose this platform over in-person appointments?

    Our clinic has worked with and supported thousands of patients over the years. This experience has allowed us to create a platform to help the masses. It is only humanly possible to help 1 person an hour with our presence. Creating this platform will allow us to help a greater amount of individuals with our experience, while supporting you when you need encouragement and direction.

  • Will you tell me what to eat?

    Yes! This course will provide you with a multitude of resources, recipes, food lists, and ways to create a varied plan. However, putting it into action is entirely up to you!

  • How do I know what you are telling me will work for me? I have tried everything and nothing works.

    There is no trick and no gimmick. If there were a magic pill out there, you would surely know about it! Creating change takes time, patience, and courage. Nothing changes, if nothing changes! We have spent thousands of hours counseling and directing patients over the years. With an MD who is board certified in bariatrics and a Certified Clinical Nutritionist with a masters in Integrative and Functional Nutrition, all the principles we will share with you are backed by science. This course will translate science into practical application for your success. We provide the knowledge and support while you put it into action.

  • Will I get a refund if this program doesn't work for me?

    This program has taken 11 years and thousands of hours to put together. It is our experience in the health industry that has made us qualified to create and share this course with you. Unfortunately, 80% of us are going to revert back to old habits and re-gain the weight that we have lost. This course discusses what is required to become part of the 20% success rate. Although we cannot guarantee weight loss, we can guarantee that when these principles are applied, you are absolutely going to feel better, no matter what your circumstances are. That being said, there are no refunds for this program, but we are absolutely going to do our best to support you and provide the accountability you need to reach your personal goals. In this course, you will learn the principles we have applied in our own lives to make a lasting lifestyle change.

  • How much weight can I expect to lose?

    On average, our patients have lost between 12 and 20 pounds of pure fat in 12 weeks. This averages out to about 1 pound of fat loss per week. You many not see that change take place on the scale immediately. As you begin to change your body composition, you will gain muscle and water and lose fat. However, you will most certainly feel the change in your clothes, waistline, and overall energy levels.